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Facebook's clarity does not require a support card for sign-up

Among the conflicting statements, Facebook has not been linking the users' accounts with Aadhaar numbers in India, clarifying that through a post on the blog. Now after the statement that Facebook will link the account with support, the company clarified today that we will collect support data And do not need to enter a support number when signing up on Facebook.
The company has said that, on social media platforms, people no longer have to give a support number to sign on to Facebook Account. However, it is also clarified that you have to use the name on the base card only. The company says in its own explanation that new users have to tell their true name so that friends and family find them on Facebook easily.

The purpose of this test is that new users understand how to get a Facebook sign up with the correct name and how to join friends and family. When the account sign up, the user will have to show his language as part of the test. It has been said that your friends and family can easily identify you with the use of the name on the base card. The company said on the blog spot that this would be an alternative to this test. People do not need to enter the name of their support card, nor do they need to authenticate or link with the support.
Currently Test
This test is being done on a very small number of Facebook's mobile site. It has been asked to use the name according to the new users. This test is being conducted with very few new users in India. The test has also been completed. It has got to learn from all the lessons learned from all the studies. Facebook will help fresh users sign up well, so no one else is intent on us
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