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Samsung’s latest update will be available in this smartphone Upgrade Mobile List to Android Oreo 8

Gadget Desk: Samsung’s smartphone will get the latest update of Google’s latest operating system Android 8.0 Audi, it has been leaked. The list has been listed on the website Androidos.in, according to which, the update will start in January in Samsung smartphones and tablets. This list includes Samsung’s 33 devices. The update will start with Samsung’s premium smartphone, Google launches Orio with the Pixel handset this year, and it was the first update in the Nexus. In the next slide, the complete list of Samsung Devices ….
Note: How to update the latest version of Android 7.0 to Nokia 8.0 orio?
So, you ask, how do we get to these lists? Tracking Samsung’s Android updates over a long period of time, it is clear many series and devices always get two major OS upgrades, before continuing with security updates only. However, as indicated above, this rule is not firmly established for most of the Galaxy J series, nor for several other devices.
Over time, we’ll be updating the information above when we receive new information, or when it surfaces elsewhere. We have not included devices that have already stopped receiving major OS upgrades, like the Galaxy S5 or Galaxy Note 4, even if they still receive new security patches regularly. Other devices missing from this list will be added if and when we have tangible information to report.
One last thing we have to point out, is that we are, of course, not Samsung. This list is by no means based on official information and only enumerates our predictions, not Samsung’s official update policy. Should our information be proven wrong, we will update this article, but we are not responsible for your device’s updates. If you think we missed a device from the last two years, let us know in the comments and we will try to add information about that device to our list.
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