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Take the law .. Now the prohibition on PUBG, the reason to know

PUBG Mobile Game in India is becoming increasingly popular and number 1 has become a mobile gaming app. Nobody knows when people's mobile data is ending. But this move of the Vellore Institute of Technology will make you feel uncomfortable. However, VIT has banned playing in his campus.
An e-mail statement has been sent to each hostler. The Chief of Wards, VIT, wrote that some students are playing online games like Pabuji and this has come to our senses. It is not allowed.Despite repeated denial, hostlers are violating the rules by playing online games. That makes room mates room mates problematic. The whole hostel's atmosphere is getting worse.
In VIT, any kind of online game and batting are fully implemented. VIT Code of Conduct shall be strictly resolved with the infringers. Students should play a fable game or give more prominence to their careers.
It is worth mentioning that Pubji i4s an online game and this is also a multiplayer. Many people can join together and can not be played without internet. The game was first brought to the computer. It was not popular in India. After the companies brought this game to mobile, India has become rapidly popular.


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