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Which app is coming from your smartphone slow, please do check this way

Today everyone uses smartphones. With all its personal and official work done on this phone too.Now people are buying more RAM phones especially. While these phones do not even hang.

But sometimes it happens that some apps cause the phone to be slow or hung. After the deletion, the phone is perfectly accurate. Here's how you can check those apps. Which slows down your phone.

Do this in check First of all, users should go to the setting of the phone and click on the storage or memory option.

- Users will see that content in the storage list. The storage that you are using the most. Users should know that this list only contains information about the use of internal memory.

- Users will have to click on memory, then they will have to go into memory used by apps. Users will then be able to see four interval of Ram's app usage. Which will be 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours and 1 day.

- Users will then easily know which part of the App RAM they use.


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