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One such good news about GST, know what is


One such good news about GST, know what is

When you buy goods from the grocery store, GST is levied on it. However, if any shopkeeper wants GST from you on groceries, then he will refuse. Tax Authority clarifies that whenever you take grocery items and in the meantime, if the wrongdoing demands GST separately from you, then refuse to give it and even file a complaint against it.
In fact, in the last days there was a complaint that shopkeepers charge the fixed price on groceries, but after that they are taking GST separately. After this complaint, the CBEC made it clear that “the shopkeeper can not do this.” The CBEC tweeted that, when purchasing a goods and there is an MRP on it, there is no need to give GST separately. According to CBEC, GST is included in the printed MRP of the product. For this, if a shopkeeper wants GST separately from MRP, then he is illegally recovering.
MRP is a value on which no shopkeeper can ask for more money. In MRP all taxes are included in the product. The tax authority said, if anyone does so, complain about it. For this, CBEC has given a toll free number. You can call 1800-11–11-4000 / 14404 to complain in the case. For this, whenever you go to shop at the shop now, if the shopkeeper asks for a higher price than MRP, then he can refuse and also complain.


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