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These 5 tips about WhatsApp if you do not know

These 5 tips about WhatsApp if you do not know
If your friend has deleted WhatsApp inadvertently, you can know that your friend has deleted WhatsApp when using a security notice. If your friend uses your WhatsApp, you will know that the person is using your WhatsApp.
Have a Quote Wedge in WhatsApp. If you want to send a message to anyone, then all the groups can be sent and selected.
– When you send a message to a group, the person in front of the reader knows how many times, but when the message is not read in any group, it will not be known immediately by clicking on the message and after a short time, clicking on one round will know That’s when the message is read.
Like Facebook, a popup notification is also given on WhatsApp. Selecting on it will show notification on the mobile screen.
– With the name of the friend you are talking to more, you can keep an icon on main screen as an icon.
By selecting another mic, you can send the message as text


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